Stem Cell Facility - Acknowledgements
• The advisory committee recommends the users of Stem cell Facility to acknowledge the facility in their scientific publications, posters and meetings. The facility can be acknowledged as “Stem cell Facility at Bangalore Life Science Cluster". Please send a copy of your publication in which stem cell facility is acknowledged to
• For submitting manuscripts and grants that have made use of services or resources from this core, PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE SUPPORT by inclusion of the following information:
"This work was supported by the Stem Cell Core at Bangalore Life Science Cluster.“
• Please cite the Flagship program (DBT, GoI) (BT/PR17316/MED/31/326/2015) in all publications and grants related to services from stem cell core usage.
ETHICAL Clearance to be mentioned in your Materials and Methods of all your publications involving the use of stem cells: Recommended statement would be: “All experiments were performed according to the approved Instem or NCBS IHEC, IBSC and IC-SCR guidelines (all those applicable)”.