Non-Academic Staff
Stem Cell Facility
Latha Chukki Fellow-E / Scientist-D lathachukki at instem dot res dot in |
Cryo EM Facility
Sucharita Bose Fellow - E (Scientist-D),Head Cryo EM Facility sucharitab at instem dot res dot in |
Mass Spectrometry Facility
Nirpendra Singh Fellow - E (Scientist-D),Head Mass Spectrometry Facility nirpendras at instem dot res dot in |
MGEF Facility
Mahesh G Sahare Fellow - E (Scientist-D),Head MGEF Facility maheshsahare at instem dot res dot in |
Shilpa Kumari B A Technical Officer- II shilpaba at instem dot res dot in |
Grants Management Research and Collaborations Office
Vineetha Raghavan Fellow - E (Scientist-D),Head Grants Manager Research and Collaborations Office rvineetha at instem dot res dot in |
Regulatory Compliance Office
Thorat Ketan Vilas Scientist-D/Fellow-E ketant at instem dot res dot in |
Research Integrity and Ethics Office
Sabuj Bhattacharyya Scientist-C sabujb at instem dot res dot in |
Communications Office
Nishtha Bhargava Communications Co-ordinator commsoffice at instem dot res dot in |
Academic Office
Valsala Neyyan Management Assistant valsalan at instem dot res dot in |
Deans Office
Supriya Nagaraja Secretarial Assistant |
Ankiyan Krishnan Prakash Registrar/Chief Administrative Officer headadm at instem dot res dot in |
Ramanathan K Senior Administrative Officer sao at instem dot res dot in |
Anup Kumar Administrative Officer (Estt) aoestt at instem dot res dot in |
Sunitha R Section Officer sunithar at instem dot res dot in |
Gavernar M |
Ragina K K Secretarial Assistant |
Greeshma N Secretarial Trainee greeshman at instem dot res dot in |
Shobha BN Clerk bnshobha at instem dot res dot in |
Madhu Chandan Roy Administratvie Officer (F&A) aoaccounts at instem dot res dot in |
Thejaswini K Section Officer Thejaswinik at instem dot res dot in |
Sarvesh Saini Junior Management Assistant sarveshs at instem dot res dot in |
Manikandan M Junior Management Assistant |
Harshith S Secretarial Trainee harshiths at instem dot res dot in |
Vinayak Kulkarni Temporary Clerk kvinayak at instem dot res dot in |
Hospitality and Services
Shobha R Section Officer (Services) shobhar at instem dot res dot in |
Lab Support
Aishwarya B Lab Technician aishwaryabalakrishnan at instem dot res dot in |
Purchase & Stores
Sreenath B A Senior Administrative Officer (Purchase) sreenathba at instem dot res dot in |
Shravan Kumar Amancha Junior Management Assistant shravana at instem dot res dot in |
Maniarasan B Junior Management Assistant maniarasanb at instem dot res dot in |
Sharath K Secretarial Trainee sharathtk at instem dot res dot in |
Anand Kumar V Engineer-D anandkv at instem dot res dot in |
Nukala Saikrishna Prasad Sr. Technical Officer saikrishnaprasadn at instem dot res dot in |
K Hemanth Kumar Technical Assistant khemanth at instem dot res dot in |
Ramkumar R Technical Assistant ramkumarr at instem dot res dot in |
M Thiyagarajan Engineer-HVAC thiyagarajan at instem dot res dot in |
Sathish Kumar P Technical Officer - I sathishkp at instem dot res dot in |
Rakshith Komalan H K Sr. Technical Officer krakshith at instem dot res dot in |
Umesha T Technical Officer-I umeshat at instem dot res dot in |
Harshith A S Technical Assistant harshithas at instem dot res dot in |
IT Section
Rajesh R Engineer rajesh at instem dot res dot in |
Alok Bhojraj Bhaisare Sr. Technical Officer alokb at instem dot res dot in |
Chakrapani Junior System Administrator cpani at instem dot res dot in |
Pankaj Engineer pankajd at instem dot res dot in |
Naresh Kumar Yadav Technical Officer-I nareshky at instem dot res dot in |