We offer two Postdoctoral positions in computational and experimental neuroscience, as part of a collaboration between Matt Nolan (University of Edinburgh) and Upi Bhalla (National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore). The projects are to examine representations, connectivity and plasticity in the Hippocampal-Entorhinal circuitry.

One position is for a computational analysis of representations, sequence formation and plasticity.
The other position is more experimental, and will involve patch, tetrode, and 2-photon recordings in mice as they learn representations and associations.

Interested individuals are encouraged to visit the CBDR (http://instem.res.in/wadhwani-center/center-for-brain-development-and-repair) website for more information and to contact

Upi Bhalla
Mail :( bhalla@ncbs.res.in)
Lab: http://www.ncbs.res.in/bhalla


Matt Nolan directly for more information.
Mail: ( mattnolan@ed.ac.uk)
Lab: http://nolanlab.mvm.ed.ac.uk/


A 2-page CV, 1-page statement of future work and how it fits in with the aims of CBDR and the names of three referees should be sent to the Centre Administrator, Claudia Pisani ( cpisani@staffmail.ed.ac.uk).

Status of Position: Open