A Facility trainee position is available in the Campus-wide Stem Cell Facility
A Facility trainee position is available in the Campus-wide Stem Cell Facility in Bangalore Bio-Cluster that hosts three institutes; National Center for Biological sciences (NCBS), Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem) and Center for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP).
Job Requirement
- You duty is to support the Manager to provide the users with basic services. The basic services include:
- Help users maintain quality controlled human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs)
- Give users hands on training for basic hPSC culture
- Operate/Maintain the facility at high quality standards
Applicants should have experience in basic molecular biology techniques including DNA/RNA isolation and PCR and mammalian cell culture techniques.
Please send your CV and the names and e-mail addresses of at least two references to the Manager, Cell Culture Facility, Dr. M. Murata-Hori ( makim@instem.res.in).
Status of Position: Open