Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar Position in Ethics and Social Implications of Active Genetics
The Tata Institute for Genetics and Society (TIGS) -- India, in collaboration with TIGS – UC, San Diego, is dedicated to the pursuit of socially responsible science. In cooperation with the Institute for Practical Ethics (IPE) at UC, San Diego, TIGS is forming connections among ethicists, social scientists, natural scientists, health professionals and the community, seeking to address ethical and social issues facing society. One project jointly administered by both institutes is focused on the Ethics and Social Implications of Active Genetics. “Active Genetics” refers to new advances in genetic tools, advances associated with more precise editing methods (e.g., through CRISPRCAS9) coupled with faster and more powerful ways of driving mutations through populations (commonly called a gene-drive). This emerging ability aspires to make progress in disease reduction, agriculture, and cancer research. This technology’s power to transform, raises ethical issues and questions about social impact. The goal of this project is to anticipate and study these new issues. We are particularly interested in projects that will focus upon this technology’s possible use in India.
To this end, the Institute for Practical Ethics has assembled an interdisciplinary research team of dissertation fellows, PhD candidates, postdoctoral scholars, and UC San Diego faculty who work in this area. Members of the research team plan and participate in a monthly meeting devoted to the science and ethics of Active Genetics; organize lectures, colloquia, round-tables, or other public events exploring the topic; and convene at least one major international conference. Visiting postdoctoral scholar are expected to work on their own major project that concerns Active Genetics. While there is no existing field of ethics and social impact of gene drive studies per se, we anticipate that scholars with expertise in related questions will be especially competitive. We anticipate successful applicants being from, but not limited to, the fields of philosophy, bioethics, public health, sociology, science studies and anthropology
Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar Positions Terms and Applications
TIGS invites applications for fully-funded, visiting postdoctoral training opportunities for PhD or equivalent candidates (< 3 years past PhD degree) in the fields including or related to those listed above. Candidates will complete 2 years of postdoctoral training at TIGS-UC San Diego, with the second year contingent upon acceptable performance in the first year. The best candidates will have the possibility of exciting job opportunities and incentives for continuation of their work at TIGS-India in Bangalore. Funding will be available for a maximum duration of two years, subject to a clear definition of project aims, biannual project reports, formal annual presentations and an annual evaluation of significant progress both by the UC San Diego faculty mentor and a UC San Diego Advisory Group chaired by the Associate Director of TIGS. Each award covers the costs of the visiting postdoctoral stipend, benefits, supplies, travel to UC San Diego and equipment.
The visiting postdoctoral scholar positions are two-year appointments, during which time, the scholar will actively participate in IPE’s program of activities and in particular its research project in Ethical Issues and Social Implications in Active Genetics. Visiting postdoctoral scholars will be expected to lead monthly meetings on Active Genetics and ethics, attend a monthly meeting on scientific issues within Active Genetics, and assist with project activities (which may include writing grant proposals, organizing workshops, and research in the area). Duties will be decided through consultation between the scholar and IPE Co-Directors. Visiting postdoctoral scholars are required to be in residence for the entirety of two academic years. IPE and TIGS are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research and service.
Primary consideration will be given to applications submitted by December 1, 2018, but all applications will be considered until positions are filled. Applications should be submitted through and should include:
• Cover letter
• Curriculum vitae, including a list of publications
• Brief statement (1000 words maximum) summarizing the applicant's intellectual interests, scholarly training, and research agenda as these relate to Ethics and Implications of Active Genetics
• Copies of no more than two representative publications or dissertation chapters
• Two letters of recommendation
Inquiries regarding IPE, its program, and the visiting postdoctoral scholar positions may be addressed to: