Prajwal B Koushik
prajwalbk at instem dot res dot in
Integrated MSc in Molecular Biology
Integrated MSc in Molecular Biology
Research Interest
Molecular understanding of how tubulin glutamylation and glycylation regulate microtubule-protein interactions within cilia using biochemical and in vitro approaches
Molecular understanding of how tubulin glutamylation and glycylation regulate microtubule-protein interactions within cilia using biochemical and in vitro approaches
I hold a Master's degree in Molecular biology from Yuvaraja's College, University of Mysore. As part of my Masters' thesis dissertation, I worked on Analysis of PIP4K2A Interaction with Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4E Binding Protein-1 (eIF4EBP1) in Dr Vasudevan Seshadri's lab at the National Centre for Cell Science, Pune. Currently, I am studying how tubulin glutamylation and glycylation regulate microtubule-protein interactions in cilia using biochemical and in vitro approaches with purified components.
In my free time, I explore historical places admiring the ancient knowledge and marvels of art and architecture