TitleInternational Society for Cell & Gene Therapy Position Paper: Key considerations to support evidence-based cell and gene therapies and oppose marketing of unproven products.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsIkonomou L, Cuende N, Forte M, Grilley BJ, Levine AD, Munsie M, Rasko JEJ, Turner L, Bidkhori HR, Ciccocioppo R, Grignon F, Srivastava A, Weiss DJ, Zettler P, Levine BL
Corporate AuthorsISCT Committee on the Ethics of Cell and Gene Therapy(ECGT)
Date Published2023 Sep
KeywordsCell- and Tissue-Based Therapy, Genetic Therapy, Humans, Marketing, Regenerative Medicine

The field of regenerative medicine, including cellular immunotherapies, is on a remarkable growth trajectory. Dozens of cell-, tissue- and gene-based products have received marketing authorization worldwide while hundreds-to-thousands are either in preclinical development or under clinical investigation in phased clinical trials. However, the promise of regenerative therapies has also given rise to a global industry of direct-to-consumer offerings of prematurely commercialized cell and cell-based products with unknown safety and efficacy profiles. Since its inception, the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy Committee on the Ethics of Cell and Gene Therapy has opposed the premature commercialization of unproven cell- and gene-based interventions and supported the development of evidence-based advanced therapy products. In the present Guide, targeted at International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy members, we analyze this industry, focusing in particular on distinctive features of unproven cell and cell-based products and the use of tokens of scientific legitimacy as persuasive marketing devices. We also provide an overview of reporting mechanisms for patients who believe they have been harmed by administration of unapproved and unproven products and suggest practical strategies to address the direct-to-consumer marketing of such products. Development of this Guide epitomizes our continued support for the ethical and rigorous development of cell and cell-based products with patient safety and therapeutic benefit as guiding principles.

Alternate JournalCytotherapy
PubMed ID37517865