Department of Biotechnology
inStem (Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine)
Research > Research Translation

Spin Offs

iBRIC-inStem has focused on developing innovative technologies to solve unmet needs. Development of these technologies led to the formation of spin-off companies and commercialization of multiple products. The following iBRIC-inStem spin-off companies were formed to commercialize technologies developed at iBRIC-inStem

Sepio Health Pvt. Ltd.

Through this company, Kisan Kavach, a protective suit for farmers to prevent pesticide-induced toxicity and lethality has been developed and commercialized.

Color Threads Pvt. Ltd.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Germicidal Fabric technology has been developed at iBRIC-inStem. Based on this technology, antiviral masks and apparel were developed. To commercialize this technology, Color Threads was formed, and it has launched antiviral masks and apparel in the market.

Artus Therapeutics, Inc.

Small-molecular potential drugs for repairing barrier dysfunction were developed at iBRIC-inStem. In this technology small-molecular potential drugs for the treatment of epithelial and endothelial barrier dysfunction-associated diseases such as IBDs were developed. To take this technology to the clinics, Artus Therapeutics was established and Aruts is further developing pipeline and taking these molecules into the clinical stage.

Biolockey Healthworks Pvt Ltd

Biolockey specializes in research and development for point-of-care diagnostics and precision therapeutics for the healthcare sector in India and worldwide. We develop innovative therapeutic and diagnostic applications using nanobodies, antibodies, and small-molecule drug discovery. We leverage advanced technologies driven by deep science, including AI, structure-function analysis, stem cells, organoids, and animal model systems.

NeeDel Innovations Pvt Ltd.

Millions of diabetes patients suffer with painful injections every day. Therefore, iBRIC-inStem has developed a painless drug delivery syringe which will have enormous impact on millions of patients. To commercialize this patented technology, NeeDel Innovations has been formed, it will conduct clinical studies and subsequently launch the products in the market.

Sturnus Biotech Pvt Ltd.

iBRIC-inStem is collaborating with Sturnus Biotech to develop a wide range of laboratory reagents to meet Make In India and Made In India mission. These technologies at prototype stage, they will be subsequently launched in the market in the near future.